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Mar 10, 2011

Activity 5 - Comparison

------By Azalea

1 comment:

  1. This is a comparison about Azalea, Jacqueline, and my organization.

    Totally speaking, my organization is comparatively bad in the majority index. According to the summary index, Jacqueline’s company is comparatively better. Her company listed company in NASDAQ. In China, like kind of companies, there is a wisdom leader, and critical company mission, as well as a strong company culture which also cause some disputes to some extent. However, majority of indexes are still in the second and bottom quartile, which indicate that our organizations are not good learning organizations.

    In the “Concrete Learning Process and Practices” part, Azalea’s companies present a good image, especially in “Information Collection” and “Analysis”, which implies that her organization is relative open-minded.

    At the third figure, the index of “Openness to new ideas” demonstrates my above opinion again. Azalea’s company got the highest score in this index. On the contrary, my organization got the lowest score, and even drop out the Bottom quartile.

    The topic is quite interesting and worth discussing. In our group assignment, we will use models and give specific analysis.
